I’m posting every day in 2011!

It’s just like me to procrastinate. This Post-a-Day effort started January 1, 2011.  And I refused to sign up. I have commitment issues (more on that later, maybe). But now with three weeks of solid blogging under my belt, I’m thinking, “why the hell not!” (or as the old folks would say, “I’m smelling myself now”).

I have veered a little off-course from the theme of Chile Pleeze!, which is to remember and capture the crazy, folk sayings in the African-American lexicon. Of course, that steered me to the Queen of folk sayings — Zora Neale Hurston. I blogged about her most of January. Then Black History Month was here, and since I have written about this before (and it was my major in college), I had to devote time to my beloved, forgotten achievers.

Blogging every day won’t be easy. In fact, every day I wake up resolving to QUIT. But committing to Post-a-Day should inspire me as it has other bloggers. Therefore I’m promising to make use of The DailyPost, and the community of other bloggers to help me along the way, including asking for help when I need it and encouraging others when I can.

If you already read my blog, I hope you’ll encourage promote me with comments and profile suggestions.  Don’t leave me hanging in cyberspace all alone!  Subscribe to receive my next post and hit the “Share” button down below to email, Facebook and Tweet my posts to your friends.

Miz D.

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